School age children should be back in the normal school routine by now. My younger son has just started secondary school and has been really tired so I thought I should check that he's getting enough sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and couldn't get back to sleep for ages. Today my concentration and patience levels are definitely lower! Lack of sleep has definitely affected me, but why?
It's summertime and a cold beer or G&T after a long hot day can seem quite appealing but will an alcoholic drink or two help you sleep or will you end up feeling more hot, bothered and tired?
I often feel tired in the middle of the afternoon and find myself making another cup of coffee or reaching for a sweet treat. But should I be giving in to that sleepy feeling and settling down for a nap instead? Find out ...
Most animals and plants have a built-in circadian rhythm, an internal system that in humans regulates feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness over roughly a 24 hour cycle.
My mum says it takes her ages to get to sleep now that she's in her seventies. I've been wondering why it seems to be harder to get to sleep as people hit their sixties or seventies. Is it true that we need less sleep as we age or is this a myth?
What is the best time to get up in the morning? Do you wonder like me if you would be more productive if you got up earlier or went to bed earlier? Find out more about the best time for waking up and going to sleep ...
We were wondering why we often feel more tired during the winter? We really had no idea, so we did a little research.Check out our comprehensive guide to winter tiredness and fatigue!
Why do we yawn? Experts believe that yawningis a sign of empathy and therefore contagious in the same way that you might smile or frown if the person you're looking at smiles or frowns at you. So, if one person yawns, almost everone close by will also yawn.
REM sleep is the rapid eye movement that occurs during sleep. When you sleep, your brain moves through five different stages; one of these stages is REM sleep.